Let's me start by saying I was not the designated driver.
One of the many benefits of not having a smart phone is that I do not often feel the compulsion to take pictures of deliciousness before consuming all evidence of said deliciousness.
When presented with glacial amounts of brews + food trucks it's really the best option to let the beer and burgers go first (or is that women and children). Did I mention the titanic amount of beer that was at this thing?
I did, however, manage to snap a few little lovelies and set them aside for you here: http://heybrewtiful.pass.us/redbrickbrewing/ You can thank me later. It's cool.
The other good news is that my pal Reid was there too and got some damn good pics. Tell Reid thank you for his consistent awesomeness and capacity to both destroy beers and take pictures of them simultaneously.
Speaking of Bill Murray...
But I'm-a do me, right? In other words, I totally wish I'd taken more pictures.
To be fair, I think you'd have to pay just about anyone to keep them from prioritizing their own happiness. And until I'm the photographer on retainer or Reid hires me as a second, I'm pretty sure that I'm allowed to enjoy myself.
But I digress.
Breweries have a way of inspiring the attention of a lot of hardworking and innovate folks who have their creative thinking caps on. I'm fairly certain I would live at Red Brick on my off hours if I was not outside the perimeter. (For those non-Georgians among you, that's OTP and as far as people inside the city are concerned we basically live on another planet. Which if you think about it, is sort of true. The most notable thing to this particular outsider when I came through "downtown" Kennesaw for the first time was Wildman's Civil War Surplus. Go ahead and google that shit.)
If memory serves me (just kidding, I totally drank responsibly ya'll), on July 27th, along with a lot of other discerning beer folk, I joined Red Brick Brewing in celebrating their 20th Anniversary. Their team of brewers cooked up a kickass Imperial Stout to mark the occassion, offering up a few uniquely infused versions, including one with chilies and one with roasted coffee.
Also, beer floats. As in, ice cream with beer in it, dropped into a beer. Yeah, it was that kind of party (or maybe that was just me). Frozen Pints, ftw!
Plentiful beer, a kick-ass burger truck (and other yummy foodstuffs), live music (some of which was put on by staff members themselves), and an after-party that unfortunately the babysitter's hourly rate would not allow (for this Very Important Person, at least) meant a lot of happy for a lot of hours.
And if their Imperial Stout is any indication of the kind of collaborative innovation we'll see in the next two decades, I'll be a glad woman to have any guilt by association on that gravy train. Seriously though, if you haven't been to a one-off Wednesday or an Employee Brew Off (both of which I make my best efforts to routinely attend) you are missing out on some of the more interesting craft beer that's being made right now inside Atlanta. And I have it on good authority that their calendar for next year is already packed with more spectacular wonderfulness. Yeah, you heard right.
As always, my lovelies. I am devotedly yours in the way of beer. Until next time...
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