Friday, April 26, 2013

Amy Penrose: A Lady Who Loves Beer

With a love for oysters, the Adirondack Mountains, and her #1 drinking buddy (and soon to be husband) Jason, this "craft beer girl" takes full advantage of the budding beer scene and is only a stone's throw from my own hometown (who knew!?), residing in Rochester, NY with her fiancĂ© and their black lab Ruckus.

This is Amy Penrose, and she loves beer.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An update {April}

Everything here has been blooming hard, or trying to for the last few weeks. It seems we've finally moved past the sweep-the-pollen-off-the-floors stage of Spring, and the warmer days have made it much more appealing to spend hours standing around a kettle full of would-be beer (I can think of much more terrible ways to spend an afternoon, chilly or otherwise).

It's been a while since I posted an update on the goings on this side of the screen, so I thought I'd take a moment to catch you up before this update turns into a novel on me (picture heavy post, please be patient while it loads).

Friday, April 19, 2013

Paula Nix: A Lady Who Loves Beer

We continue today with our regular focus on women and beer, but would like to preface this week's feature by sending along the thoughts and prayers of the Atlanta beer community (and the community at large) to those who were injured, killed, and directly affected by the explosions at the Boston Marathon. We raise our voices, our prayers, our thoughts (and yes, likely a glass or two) to the surgeons, doctors, friends, families, and first responders who ran (and continue to run) toward the chaos, and who continue daily to support and help heal each other as we search for answers. 

{Ladies Who Love Beer} Paula Nix

A woman whose love of beer has evolved along side her husband's home brew, this lady has a passion for converting people to the world of craft beer. When she's not homeschooling her three kids, enjoying her "makeshift beer garden with friends," and soaking up the good drink (and good eats) of her local beer haunts, this pastor's wife can be found enjoying the good company of her husband (and best friend) in their Woodstock home. 

Paula Nix and her husband Spencer. Photo credit Jennifer Carter

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mary-Kate Laird: A Lady Who Loves Beer

Often mistakenly referred to online as “sir,” “man,” or “dude,” this Alabama-born-and-raised Atlanta-transplant is the female voice behind the Suwanee Beer Festival’s social media pages. Though she mostly drank rum and Coke in college (“out of necessity” of course), she graduated to craft beer once she earned her diploma. When she’s not working the beer pages, you can find her kicking around the soccer ball, investigating the taps with her friends, and running around town with her dog Porter.

May I introduce, Mary-Kate Laird: a lady who loves beer.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Victoria and Diann: Ladies Who Love Beer

Their names? Victoria and Diann. Their quest? Beer. The air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Well all right, they don't know the answer to that one, but it's not going to keep them from trying.

Bound by beer if not by blood, these two sippin' sisters have a drinking history that eclipses its own origin. Preferring drinking establishments that allow beer enjoyment to be a family affair, these two enjoy the company of their kids, comfortable couches, and (their husband's?) home cooked meals. With one foot in Nashville, Tennesee and the other in Asheville, North Carolina, there's plenty of craft beer to go around. And although it cuts down on their face time, it doesn't stop them from sharing the laughter and the love across the miles through their blog and other social media channels.

May I introduce, Diann Logan Meriwether and Victoria Lamberth: ladies who love beer.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We all win when beers compete {Red Brick Brewery}

Every few months or so the employees at Red Brick Brewery put their collective energy to the task of a brew off. Beers, tasting notes, and tap handles are all lovingly assembled and presented to the public for consumption and critique. The tasters cast their votes for their favorite brew, and at the end of the night the bragging rights and a big engraved beer glass are doled out to the winner.

I got there early so I could get in some snapshots before the sun went down. As usual, the folk down at Red Brick were more than happy to oblige my picture taking, and it wasn't long before the lot of unfamiliar attendees were also willingly stepping in from of the camera. You can check out the rest of the album on Facebook or by clicking the image below.


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