Bound by beer if not by blood, these two sippin' sisters have a drinking history that eclipses its own origin. Preferring drinking establishments that allow beer enjoyment to be a family affair, these two enjoy the company of their kids, comfortable couches, and (their husband's?) home cooked meals. With one foot in Nashville, Tennesee and the other in Asheville, North Carolina, there's plenty of craft beer to go around. And although it cuts down on their face time, it doesn't stop them from sharing the laughter and the love across the miles through their blog and other social media channels.
May I introduce, Diann Logan Meriwether and Victoria Lamberth: ladies who love beer.
Outside of Asheville, one of our favorite spots is Southern Appalachian Brewery in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Not only is it family-friendly (important to us since we have kids) but they also have great beer. From cornhole to chalk to bubbles, they strive to provide a fun-time for the kids. They have great live music, and we've watched fireworks from their parking lot, seen acrobats and fire twirlers, and even hula hooped.
What do you most like/loathe about the culture of beer?
We think it is fantastic that craft beer companies have done their research and have found that women are just as inclined, if not more so, to enjoy their products. While there are still some craft beer companies that use labeling to appeal to the men-folk, it seems to now be deemed as an antiquated mode of advertising. That's great to see.
Overall, some craft beers seem to employ a tongue-and-check sexism. And that's okay (after all, we are the Beer BITCHES). But when we see Clown Shoes Tramp Stamp, we cringe a little. Also, when will we get to see really hot, scantly clad men on the side of 6-pack or in beer ads? When we do, beer culture will completely embrace women and beer.
By far, our favorite female owned breweries are Blackstone (in Nashville, TN) and New Belgium! We love all of Blackstone's line-up, and The Lips of Faith series by New Belgium has produced one of our favorite--Peach Porch Lounger.
How do you see women represented locally, nationally, globally?
We see women taking the beer scene by storm! Daily, there are articles and news of new craft beer breweries owned and operated by women, and they are thriving! We really enjoy this one: 6 Female-Owned Breweries In Honor of Int'l Women's Day
Women are also becoming valid sources of information in breweries that once used to be male dominated. One only has to search through blog sources and social media sites to really know that women have a different, yet valid, take on the craft beer scene locally, nationally, and globally. Is it happening fast enough? Well, not to our liking, but it is happening.What would you’d like to see less/more of in beer?
We would like to see non-gender specific advertising on any beer packaging. We definitely want to see more beers on the store shelves that come from breweries owned and operated by women. Also we want to see all craft beer companies continuing to thrive and grow. We never want to run out of new brews to try!
Before The Beer Bitches were beer drinkers?
Not sure we understand this question. We've always enjoyed having a beer every now and then and even dabbled in the home-brew arena. We guess the biggest change happened when half of our merry band of Beer Bitches moved from Nashville, Tennessee to the Asheville, North Carolina area. The area had so many fantastic brews and access to beers that we had never tried before. We wanted to try them all, learn about all of the different styles of beer, and all the intricacies of yeast and hops. Our quest for this knowledge continues and our desire to share what we have learned now has on outlet on our blog and social media pages.
Their favorite beer(s) of the moment?
The Beer Bitches are open to all styles and flavors of beer. We will try anything once, and often, we disagree about our favorite beers. Over the years, we have been on IPA, Milk Stout, Saison, and Stout kicks. Our current obsession is trying to actually sample all the fantastic craft beers that are out there and keeping up with the new brews and breweries arriving on the beer scene. It's thirsty work, and we feel forever behind, but it's a challenge that we absolutely love.
When they’re not drinking beer, they enjoy…
We have this crazy home improvement thing going on. Many days, we are tearing up tile in a bathroom, painting a kitchen, or scraping aggregate off a patio. Sounds strange, yes, but we have way too much fun. We also have a short film in the works which we hope will turn into a internet series. It is a ghost hunting parody that centers around beer and ghosts (of course). We are currently in the editing process, and we hope to have “The Beer Shed From Hell” up and running soon.Their favorite person to drink with?
With each other of course! This, however, does not happen as frequently as we would like. Being a state away from each other can be difficult. We try to meet either in North Carolina or Tennessee every other month. We always find a way to spend the holidays together, though. We really are a family.Their favorite place to drink?
Any establishment where we are all together. We love going out to local breweries and enjoying any beer where we don't have to clean the glass. However, (and more often than not), this means staying in at one of our homes, surrounded by kids, pets, and awesome home-cooked meals. Oh, and beer, of course!
Is there anything else you’d like to add that we didn’t already talk about?
We would love to travel more, and we have a long list of places we want to visit. Our future pub hopping plans include Milwaukee, Seattle, New Orleans, Ottawa and Raleigh. If anyone wants to donate an RV for "Beer Bitches on Tour," we would happily accept.You can connect with TheBeerBitches through their Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Untappd, and on Pinterest.
Are you a lady who loves beer? Do you know someone who is? To get in on the already evolving lineup of women, email me at heybrewtiful{at}gmail{dot}com with your story.
Want to meet more {LadiesWhoLoveBeer}? Meet me here each Friday for a weekly focus on women and beer, or meet the ladies who've already contributed to this growing collection of interviews.
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