This is Amy Penrose, and she loves beer.
Before Amy was a beer drinker, she mostly drank…
I started drinking beer, in the general sense, at college frat parties nearly a decade ago. For years, I stuck with the American light lagers that were familiar, cheap, and well suited for mass consumption. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began to explore the world of craft beer and develop a taste for higher quality ales and lagers.When she’s not drinking beer, she enjoys…
Is there life outside of beer? Haha, my fiancé works in beer sales for a craft beer distributor in the area, and I write about beer for my blog,, so craft beer is a pretty central part of our lives these days. In between beer stories, however, I have a day job at an Internet marketing company, where I work in Client Services. We’re also in the process of planning our wedding, which is set to take place this Fall in the Adirondacks!Her current drinking obsession and/or favorite beer(s) of the moment are…
My taste for beer changes with the Seasons. All Winter I was drinking dark stouts and porters; the bigger the better. Spring brings IPA’s. I love west coast styles full of grapefruit notes. Rogue’s Brutal IPA is one of the beers that turned me on to craft beer, and it’s still one of my favorites! Now that Summer is approaching, I’m looking forward to Saranac Blueberry Blonde, and Brooklyn Summer Ale. Both available in cans, they are perfect for backyard BBQs and enjoying lakeside.Her favorite place to drink is…
My absolute favorite place to drink beer is at the brewery that makes it! Visiting breweries and having the opportunity to meet the brewers and learn more about where your beer comes from has a way of connecting you with the product in a way that’s hard to find any other way, not to mention there’s no place to find fresher beer!Her favorite person to drink with is…
We also have a great local beer scene in Rochester, NY. The Old Toad, a traditional British pub, is located just blocks from our house and it’s become a favorite place to stop out and have a few pints with friends. Billed as “a pub from over there, over here,” everything from the staff to the food and ales is purely authentic.
My fiancé, Jason, is my #1 drinking buddy. He works in the beer industry and has introduced me to a wide assortment of craft beers. Together, we love learning all that we can about craft beer and participating in our local beer scene. Over time, I’ve also been lucky enough to connect with many members of the craft beer community, brewers, bartenders, beer distributors, and fellow beer drinkers alike. Meeting people with a common passion for beer is what makes it all worthwhile!What do you most like/loathe about the culture of beer. How do you see women represented locally, nationally, globally. What you’d like to less/more of?
I love the sense of community that craft beer holds! I’ve met so many amazing people through beer and the circle just keeps growing and growing. When it comes to women and beer, there seems to be plenty of talk about women being an anomaly in the beer industry and, while women in the beer industry are still the minority, they are hardly a rarity if you take the time to look. When seeing these women represented in the media, I’d like to see more emphasis on the person and the product, and less on the gender. If a brewer is doing outstanding work, let’s talk about that, not about how surprising it is that this great brewer is a woman. I realize that this gender issue crosses into many other industries, not just beer, but I’d love to think that the craft beer industry, as inclusive and collaborative as it is, could serve as a positive example to others when it comes to gender equality.
Can you tell us about women friendly spaces of note in your area (or wherever you travel regularly)?
Rochester, NY has a great craft beer scene and I find it to be very inclusive to women. Tap & Mallet, in Rochester’s South Wedge neighborhood, is known for their great craft beer selection. I’m also a little bit of a foodie. One of my favorite places to pair good beer with good food is Lento, I especially love their raw oysters with a good stout!What’s a question you wished someone would ask you, and what’s the answer?
Are there any beer-related events that you’re currently looking forward to? Absolutely! June 14-23, 2013 is Rochester Real Beer Week. Much like beer weeks held in other cities across the country, Real Beer Week starts with the Rochester Real Beer Expo and continues with a weeklong series of craft beer related events including tastings, food and beer pairings and dinners, socials, concerts, and craft beer launches. I love this event as both a celebration of great craft beer, but also a celebration of Rochester’s eclectic neighborhoods, local businesses and all the great people that live here!To connect with Amy follow her on TheCraftBeerGirl, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Untappd.
Are you a lady who loves beer? Do you know someone who is? To get in on the already evolving lineup of women, email me at heybrewtiful{at}gmail{dot}com with your story. Meet me here each Friday for a weekly focus on women and beer, or meet the ladies who've already contributed to the growing collection of interviews.
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