Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beerside Chatter {Episode 1}

Hi people! I started a new project I'm calling @BeersideChatter because I want to do some more collaborative writing (this blogging can be some lonely stuff y'all). Will you join me?

The first installment is up and available for your perusal here: BeerChatter {E1}

Head on over to the Beerside Chatter site I've set up as a dedicated space for sharing your beer-related news, personal stories, and blog posts. Send on your submissions via Twitter @BeersideChatter or via email (featured article considerations only please) to submissions.beersidechatter{at}gmail{dot}com.


**Update** (this post has been amended to include some of the questions that are coming in through email, Instagram, and Twitter. I'll continue to add relevant information as new questions come in that aren't included in this list).

Q: Is this a communal place to post stories? What is this?
I imagine it as a modern-day zine (more on this concept here). 

Highlights on spotlighted work will include an excerpt (a single quote) from the spotlighted work with a hyperlink to the full post and attribution to the original author. (I'll be inviting applications for editors on a short-term basis, should anyone be interested). 

The first installment of BeerChatter has a featured article highlighting an original piece of writing, a collection of spotlights on other blogger's content with a women's focus, spotlights on craft beer related news from online publications, and a spotlight on a personal narratives written by a person in the beer community.  

Q: What kind of content can I submit?
  • featured articles 
  • personal stories
  • general news
  • women-focused content
  • (recently added) food/edible content
Featured Articles:
Although the first feature article was written by yours truly (since I got this party started and didn't have any other content to pull from) I don't intend to continue along these lines, so long as others send in content for consideration (a letter from the editor might still be included, however). 
In order to fall into the category of featured content, your work needs to be original, unpublished, and belonging to you, which includes any related images you'd like to go along with it (you are certainly welcome to post an excerpt with a link to the original post once it's published). 

Q: Do I need to start my own blog to participate?
Not necessarily. If you'd like to submit original content not already posted elsewhere, you can send pieces for consideration to submissions.beersidechatter {via} gmail. These should be cleanly edited pieces that belong to you that aren't already published elsewhere (if the content can't be verified as yours, unfortunately it won't be considered). The easiest way to have your submission of original content read and considered for publication is to create a google doc, and include the link to that document in an email. 

Q: How do I know when my piece is accepted? 
Unfortunately I can't respond to every submission at this point in time, so please allow 2-4 weeks to receive confirmation that your piece will be included. If you don't hear back during this window, I invite you to submit again during the next acceptance window (deadlines will be posted at the bottom of each installment overview.) 

Q: Can I submit something food related?
I've added a page for edibles to the site to make space for this, since there were no food related posts for this first edition. When you have something you'd like considered for the spotlights in this category, tweet the link to your post@beersidechatter

I'll consider tried and true recipes, pairings of food and beer, narratives about an experience that includes food and beer (such as your account of beer dinner, or that one time you ate cheetos and with a Flanders Red and remembered a distant memory of your childhood... yeah stuff like that). Obviously, I'm open to suggestion.

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