Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh, February. Hi!

I must have been having fun, because January sure flew right by me. Maybe it was all that drinking I did time I spent at the gym. Yeah. I bet that was it. In lieu of the usual breakdown of beer-related awesomeness on the interwebs, I'll tell you what I've been up to instead.

Sadly, I was hiding in a dark hole waiting out migraines and tornados on Wednesday (No, really.) and missed the release of Red Brick's The Lost Years, the fifth in line of their Brick Mason series. From all reports, it is a tasty, tasty brew. While I was holed up with my headache and a pantsless toddler in our leaky basement (goodbye diapers), I tinkered with a little design mockup based on their description of this most recent tastiness. Somehow between ice picks to the brain and lollipop bribes (that probably only makes sense if you have children, and migraines) I managed to put together a pic of their empty Jim Beam barrels I took when I visited earlier last month with some pretty sweet looking font selections. Nerd yourself out, I always say, when faced with dire circumstances. It helps pass the time.

click image to view information source

Nice, right? Now if only I could enact my plan of actually drinking this fine beer, the universe would return to its normal rotations. Probably.

At the hest of my good friend Will, I drove down to Red Brick earlier in the month to photograph the goings on of a limited release brew in the works with Moondog Growlers. I snagged some neat pics of the bottling process, some old Jim Beam barrels (which you can see pictured above), and captured some of the hijinks of the brewing process, some of which were transformed into the following:

click image to see the full comic

I also attended a very packed, very tasty tour and tasting at The Burnt Hickory Brewery, a little place in Kennesaw that is about to get a whole lot bigger. Check out that line, yo. (Hey, and watch out for that first step, Scotty. I hear it's a doozy).

Will's friend (and welder) Andrew Print Hudson was also there. He invited me to come and see his shop in Smyrna where he gets to wear goggles and play with fire. His wife Whitney also works in the shop and together they make really rad sparks. Among the other welding mysteries unveiled during my visit to Andrew's workshop, he offered this enlightened and revealing observation: "Brewers have so much stainless it makes me drool." Andrew also claims I have good people skills. Good people, good people skills--naturally.

Do you need metal work? Dance your way over to Andrew and Whitney's shop with some beer and bells on. OK, maybe the bells aren't necessary, but beer should definitely be a requirement. He's responsible for the labor of love that went into Will's sweet brew setup.

"Will weld for beer" definitely needs to make it onto one of Andrew's t-shirts... (Just a prototype. Don't get too excited).

Monday Night Brewing also opened its doors for real this time, another event I sadly missed in January due to sold out tours on their three preview dates. This guy took some pretty rad pics of the inside, in case you also prioritize things like child rearing in favor of purchasing tickets to tour a brewery. Le sigh.

On the horizon for Hey, Brewtiful? Some kick-ass cranberry mead (the unnamed source of which will be revealed upon consumption), a visit to the newly launched Reformation Brewery later this month, and some other unplanned debauchery involving beer drinking at my kitchen table (more than likely).

Are you sufficiently nerded out for one afternoon? Well, then. Until next time... make beer, make merry.


P.S. So to summarize, I had a migraine, did not get hit by a tornado, failed to attend two awesome beer events, took a bunch of pictures, and ate a cupcake. How was your January?

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