Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Top 10 Moments {My First Year in Craft Beer}

I did something really hard, you guys. I made you a list. It was hard, but I did it. FOR YOU. This list is by no means a complete record of all the salsa dancin', sunscreen lovin', ice cream eating wonderfulness that occurred in the last year. But ya know--brevity. It's not my strong suit.

My first year in craft beer has been sort of epic. On the one hand, there have been some grand beer-related failures... like that one time I thought I'd brew a beer with beets (let's not bring that up at the dinner table, shall we?).

On the other hand? I'm just completely freaking blown away by the amazing bloggity-beer goodness that this inaugural year has entailed. Because for real you guys, I sort of only do this because I'm obsessive and neurotic and have a habit of talking to myself... something like that. You too, right? I promise, I can stop writing about beer annnny time I want. 

Seriously though, it's been an amazing whirlwind of a year. And although I'm not always certain of the "why" when it comes to figuring out what I'm doing with this precious little life of mine, I'm pretty sure craft beer was destined to be a part of it.

Without further ado, here they are, in the exact order that they came to mind, the BEST ten(ish) moments from the first year of HB.

1. The day Annie gave me her direct line.

2. The day they let me put radishes in the beer.

3. That one Monday, after hours, I spent sipping homebrew.

4. The afternoon I went to two Atlanta bars in one day.

5. The one time I got up close and personal with a box of wet hops.

6. The day I met the Duchess and interviewed a good friend.

7. The afternoon I got to spend photographing whiskey barrels.

8. The night craft beer gave me a taste of family.

9. The day I realized we're not an anomaly, but we are worth talking about.

10. Getting to witness so much amazingpositive press about women in the craft beer industry.

My list of most anticipated moments for 2014 is getting longer by the minute so it's time to toast the successful transfer of eggs to the fridge, or crack open that single-wide IPA for another round of research, or just, ya know, fold some laundry or something. Your pick. Until next time, my lovelies, I hope your glass is full, and your heart is open, and your passions are pouring just right.


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